Track the Stock Portfolios of Top Investors
Find winning stock ideas from top investors. TIKR goes beyond the US 13F filings and tracks any stocks that the investor has disclosed globally.
Analyze Stocks Quicker with TIKR
TIKR provides everything you need to supercharge your investing.

Smart Money and Investment Strategies
Get an inside look at the stock portfolios of 10,000+ investors, including company insiders, hedge funds and other multi-billion dollar institutions globally.
Follow the smart money and discover winning investment ideas from the best investors on Wall Street.

Discover and Follow New Top Investors
We track well-known investment funds like Berkshire Hathaway, Tiger Global, and Pershing Square but we also help you discover new top investors organized by investment style.
Explore the portfolios of growth funds, value investors, activists, sector-focused funds and more.

Track Investor Stock Holdings Globally
TIKR goes beyond just the US 13F filings and tracks any stocks that the investor has disclosed globally, including in Europe, Asia, Australia, and more.
We track international filings, 13Fs, shareholder reports, 13Ds, and more to give a holistic view of ownership globally.

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