Analyze Stocks Quicker With TIKR
Detailed financial data, Wall Street forecasts, and valuations to speed up your investment analysis
Fundamental Analysis Tool for Investors
TIKR provides everything you need to supercharge your investing.

Access Accurate, Institutional-Quality Financial Data for Smarter Investing
Access clean financial data powered by S&P Global CapitalIQ on 100,000+ stocks across 92 countries and 136 exchanges.
Easily analyze and visualize detailed financial data, including in-depth Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Cash Flow Statements, Ratios, and more.

Utilize Powerful Valuation Tools for Precise Stock Analysis
Explore and chart valuation data to help you buy low and sell high.
Gain access to every valuation multiple you could possibly need, including EV/Sales, EV/Gross Profit, EV/EBITDA, P/NAV, P/AFFO, P/BV, P/Free Cash Flow, Price/Earnings, and more.

Get Detailed Wall Street Forecasts for Future Market Trends
Get an inside view into what Wall Street analysts are forecasting for the stocks that matter most to you.
View Wall Street price targets as well and up to 5 years of analyst forecasts for 100+ metrics, including Revenues, EBITDA, Free Cash Flow, EPS, ROE, AFFO, NAV, and more.

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